Friday, September 3, 2010

We're Dried In

This is a follow-up to my previous post (Shopping Time!) from our trip on August 27, 2010. On our way back from shopping in San Antonio, we stopped by our house to check on progress. Laurie had been keeping quiet about it all day just to torture us. :>)

When we pulled up the crews were hard at it and we were pleased to see that they were putting the finishing touches on having it dried in! Les (the framer) came out to meet us. He's been working for the Mahoney's for years and is good at what he does.

The first thing I noticed once we walked inside was that the picture windows had been installed.

I was impressed!

Another look from the outside on the back deck.

In fact, just about all the doors and windows were hung. When we left only one window was remaining.

Our builder, Laurie Mahoney, explaining the options we have for railing around the deck. You don't want to fall off this deck (8 feet to the ground!).

Winnie was admiring these very cool patio doors that actually have the blinds enclosed inside the glass. No dusting the slats!

We came back on Saturday morning to take a few more pics. There was a crew putting the Tyvek on the roof decking. We walked across the street to get the big picture.

On our way out, we got up close and personal with one of our neighbors!

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