Sunday, October 24, 2010

Granite Revisited

Back in August, I posted that we had picked out some granite out at Keystone Granite in San Antonio, but they weren't sure they had enough of it to do all of our counter tops, and didn't expect get any more. As it turns out, they did get some more, so we headed back out to San Antonio on October 23 to look at what they got in.

Keystone actually had two options for us to choose from, Peacock Green and Peacock Light. Can you tell which is which? We chose Peacock Green (left)

We took the scenic route back from Keystone to our house (courtesy of Google maps) and discovered some Texas wineries and passed right by Natural Bridge Caverns. We are going to have a lot to explore once we move out here.

It had only been a week since we were last here, but a lot of progress had been made. More cabinets were going up, and there were drawers galore!

The propane tank had also been installed, so we will be able put that gas grill Winnie has always wanted on the patio. My charcoal smoker will be relegated to the lower patio (more on that in a future post).

It will probably be three weeks before we are able to make it back out, but I'm sure a lot will have been done.

Lock Her Up!

No, not Winnie, the house silly.

We went out to the lake October 15, and we even managed to get our daughter Kelly up early for a 7:00am (almost) start. It was her first trip out since construction was started on the house, and she was impressed. She also got a chance to meet our not so imaginary neighbors, the Coopers, who are also building a home with the Mahoney's. We learned on the Homeowner's web site that they live a couple of streets over from us back in Houston.

The first thing we noticed was the garage doors were up. It was supposed to have a lock box with a front door key in it, but it didn't and all the doors were locked. Laurie had to call hubby Brian to bring the key out to us (a rare Brian Mahoney siting).

Once inside, we noticed the trim carpenter had been hard at work building cabinets, hanging doors and well, putting up trim.

Out back, I got a real
education on how our septic system works. As it turns out, ours is a real HOOT (those among you with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of how an aerobic septic system works can click on the link). The bottom line is that this bad boy outputs water that has 99% of the influent waste stream removed (and waters the yard!).

Back inside, we noticed our front doors had been delivered (they use temporary ones during the construction to keep from damaging the real ones). We just couldn't resist a peek, so we tore into the packaging. There will be a trivia contest question at our house to guess how many time the Texas lone star appears on out property!

We will be back in a week to check out a new shipment of granite that came in.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Drywall is up!

We made a trip to Canyon Lake on Friday, October 1st. Kinda funny, we were just driving out to check on progress, and about the time we got to Seguin, our builder called to ask a question, and when she discovered we were almost there, told us to swing by her office and we would go walk the house and spec out cabinets. When we arrived, not only was the roof and stonework completed, but the sheet-rock guys were just about finished with the floating & taping.

It's incredible how much larger the house seems with the drywall up. Even Winnie thought so, and if you have been following this blog very long, you know that's a fact. :)

The stone columns on the patio were also new since our last visit, and we really like them.

Wondering what those PVC pipes are for? Think conduits for all those home entertainment system wires you never thought you would need!

We'll be glad when the railing goes up on the patio, that's quite a drop!

Things will seem to slow down now as the cabinet maker starts work. We're told he will be measuring and cutting for the next several weeks. We'll be back out to meet with him in 2 or 3 weeks.