Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Grandchild Visits

We visited the house on December 22nd, more as something to do while we waited for the birth of our first grandchild, Merced Alita, who was born at 11:59 pm that day. We were out again on December 26th, again primarily to see Tim, Nina and Merced, but also took the opportunity to take Tim and Anthony to see the house.

The laminate flooring has been installed in the master bedroom, and it almost looks like real wood. The grain really shines through.

The wrought iron railing was also installed on the upper and lower patios, complete with more Lone Stars!

Hard to believe, but our next trip out may be to close on the loan in a couple of weeks. And then we get to start making payments! Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Looking Like Home

We made trips to the lake on December 11th and 18th. We took my Mom and Dad and Kelly out on the 11th. It was the first time my parents had seen the house. It was a good thing the driveways and sidewalk had been poured, otherwise we might have been carrying my Mom onto the premises!

The pea gravel drive looks fantastic. The outdoor fixtures are up now as well.

Another addition to our Lone Star collection has been installed. Stay tuned, there are more. Fixtures and fittings were also prominent everywhere.

Shower jets are available from every conceivable direction.

The outdoor sinks have been put in on the patio and in the garage. And we have running water!

The great room, from both directions.

Picture this
With this ---->

(Did I mention more Lone Stars)

We'll be back after Christmas when the railing will be put up, with more pics for your viewing pleasure. Merry Christmas to all.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Getting Ready for the Pour

These pics are from the trip we made on Friday, December 3, 2010. The forms for the driveways, sidewalk and lower patio have been set and the pour is scheduled for Tuesday.

We decided to go with pea gravel instead of stained concrete (nice looking, more durable and cheaper, too).

The front doors have been stained and are really looking nice. They are made from"knotty alder", and really have "character".

Winnie's china hutch and the bookshelves stained and ready to dust.

Into the man-cave, with the entertainment center and wet bar. The wet bar will have the brass beer engines I brought back from London mounted on it.

I still have quite a bit of old vinyl, so we made some pull-out shelves for my turntable, LPs, and other gear.

We'll be back next weekend to see what it looks like.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our First House Guests!

No, we haven't moved in yet. But our neighbors from Houston did want to see first hand what we keep going on and on about. So, on November 27 we and some of our neighbors made the trip out to Canyon Lake.

Cabinet work is pretty much complete, and the stain is going on.

In the garage, the workbench, pegboard and
shelving are now in.

We even took a hike down to the lake at the Pavilion. What a gorgeous day! We topped it off with lunch in Gruene at the Grist Mill before heading back to Houston.